Tuesday, April 1, 2008

IE8 & FF3

Just recently, IE8 Beta 1 has been released. A rather quick progress I'd say, by Microsoft's standards. So, I and my friend downloaded it.

According to various sources, IE8 passes Acid2 test. However, really, it doesn't pass. Oh yeah, it rendered correctly, but there are some unnecessary scroll bars on the eyes.

And Acid3? Well, it did even worse than IE6 - a dismal 10/100.
Also, the interface looked almost exactly the same as IE7. In other words, rarely any updates.

As for FF3... I'm updating to the latest nightly builds everyday. They seem to do very well. FF3 passes Acid2, catching up to other browsers, and scored a 71/100 on Acid3. Also, there are lots of impressive UI (user interface) changes, such as when you type in the address bar, it will match any letters in the URL instead of just the first ones. Also, the new theme looks better than FF2 IMO. One thing: don't use nightly builds unless you can withstand crashes. The betas are more stable.

Safari and Opera betas scored 100/100 on Acid3, but they still have the performance issue on test26. Safari also hacked around some of the tests (like in test#71 about font rendering, they hard-coded the svg font used to make sure they antialias correctly) which kind of defeats the purpose of the test.

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