Saturday, September 22, 2007

Tic Tac Toe

Of course everybody knows how to play, but did you know the ultimate winning strategy?

If you are the first person, you will always win.

First move: in any corner. DO NOT put in the center, or else it will usually be a tie.

Second move: if the opponent put in the center, put on the opposite corner of your first move. You will win, because there are 2 places where you can place to win.

place on the ?, opponent can't block 2 at once
x ?

Second move (continued): if opponent place on a corner, then place on an adjacent corner. Your opponent must block it, and then it will leave a place open for you to put the winning move.


place on the ? to win.

o ?

1 comment:

  1. If the opponent goes in the centre, and you go on another corner, the opponent would probably go on the side. When this happens, you HAVE to block, otherwise you lose. If, however, the opponent places on a corner, block that, and you get 2 winning possibilities, which the opponent can't block.
